Saturday, March 3, 2012

Gig Day

Just finished playing with the Lincoln Ukulele Group at a local retirement community. The folks were very appreciative of us playing. We had 9 members of the Lincoln Ukulele Group.

One guy brought an amp I've been eyeing for months, the Roland Micro Cube Bass RX. It can be plugged in or will also run for 6 hours on AA batteries. Gave it a test run after the gig. Set all the dials flat to get a sense of how the amp responds to the uBass, it sounds great. Need to get one of these for our uke gigs instead of lugging around a very heavy Roland Base Cube and an extension cord.

Pleased about the weight loss. Saw 215 on the scale on Wednesday, which makes a total of 11 pounds lost since the beginning of January which is about 5%. Not looking so good for dieting tonight in preparation of the Sunday weigh in. The in-laws just arrived for the night, they live about 90 miles away and came to town for a swap meet tomorrow. Everyone wants to go to the local grand buffet and I really enjoy the lasagna there. Small portions, that's what I've been doing and need to stay with.

My father-in-law collects things associated with Sinclair gas stations. He met a guy through CraigsList, they just met in my driveway. Mel bought a nice 2 gallon oil can, Sinclair logo, circa 1959, for $20. Need to get him collecting ukes!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Jake tickets

Bought tickets to hear Jake in Kansas City on Sunday, March 11. Another uker, Sue, and I will make the 3 1/2 hour drive from Lincoln to hear him at 7:00pm and drive back that night. Might get some others to join us and would like to plan something for the afternoon in KC. The city is well known for BBQ but I'M ON A DIET.

Speaking of diet, the weight this morning was 219.6, up 0.2 from the previous Sunday. The measurement was a nice little reminder to have smaller portions and to move about more. Have also been steering away from bad carbs such as the occasional donut, muffins, and sweetened beverages.

The snow the previous Saturday was the fourth largest snow fall in a 24 hour period for Lincoln. Streets and sidewalks are clear because the ground was so warm. Then things turned much colder during the week. This morning it was -4f. Three of us "brave people" were out playing disc golf this afternoon, marching around in the snow that's just over the top of the hiking boot. It was especially fun throwing the discs upside down and having them slide on top of the hard crusted snow.

The new MacBook Air is working great. Put three old Apple laptops and two old Airport Base Stations on ebay this morning. Would like to move these things out of the house, get some cash, and look at getting  a factory refurbished 11" MacBook Air for my daughter. She's a high school freshmen and was on honor roll this week.

Alright everyone out there now go, fight, win!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Snow

New computer day! MacBook Air, it's fast and light.

Lincoln, Nebraska, has received about 9 inches of snow fall today. It will be in the top 10 for most snow on a single day for Lincoln. Ironically the snow blower broke after doing half the driveway, guessing the diaphram in the carburetor because the thing will run but only when repeatedly pressing the primer. Had to switch to the old fashioned shovel. Good exercise for a guy in UUBL!

Hit 218 on Wednesday, was 220.0 this morning though. Will see how the official weigh in goes Sunday morning. Recall peaking at 226 in late December so there is slow but sure movement in the right direction. All in all I feel like I have a descent mind set and am doing the right things, just need to stick with it a be patient with the results... or try a lot harder for more drastic results.

What's weird is my weight hasn't changed significantly in the past two weeks although portions are down, pants belt is in a notch or two, shirts fit looser, coffee seems to perk me up a lot more, and I have more desire and energy to move about. The added energy is a great unexpected bonus. Could this manifest into even more energy, which then burns more calories? Duh... I'm having a face / palm moment. Eat less and you'll have more energy. Unintuitive but is actually happening.

Monday, January 30, 2012

It's Monday Again!

Down only 1/2 lb this week but have been getting comments that I'm looking good. Have also needed to cinch the belt another notch.

Went out on a date night with my wife Saturday night and was thinking "oh well, there goes the diet for today". Was pleasantly surprised when I was satisfied after having a half "serving" of the jambalya. Took the other half home and had it for lunch on Sunday. The second half filled a large soup bowl at home! Last time I was at Buzzard Billy's, about a year ago, finishing the dish was not too much of a problem. Feeling good about focussing on reducing portions, it's starting to become a habit.

Picked up a music stand from the band leader of a band I was in 8 years ago. He is starting a new band but already has a bass player. Anyway he was auditioning for singers and contacted one of them about singing with our uke group. Jeff called me last night, he didn't quite have the chops to be the lead singer, and the stage lead, for a Tower of Power revival band but maybe it will work if we decide to put a small uke group together and play coffee houses? Will talk with the other uke players in our off-night jam sessions and see if they're interested in bringing in a person devoted to vocals.

Monday, January 23, 2012

It's Monday

My personal computer croaked Friday, need to to do a little catch up...

It's Monday and I'm back down to 220.4. Starting to get the hang of smaller portions. Only a sample of the foods Friday night at the party, shared a bottle of wine instead of a beer binge, kept the brownies down to only having 1/2 piece. I enjoy chocolate in many forms.

Saturday night went to see an acoustic guitar player who writes his own music. We played in a band together in the mid-80s, haven't seen much of him since then. Anyway, he pulled out a ukulele and did a few songs with it. First time to bring it on stage which made some of the gruesome "killer ballads" humorous. Remember one of the lines being "she gave me that look so I shot out both eyes". Kept portions down there too, one latte, no dessert.

Sunday played disc golf at our local course for a few hours during leagues with temps in the mid 40s, then at night we got an inch of snow. For dinner we had a family pizza night and got the taco pizza. It's basically a beef pizza with taco sauce in place of tomato sauce, then after baking some lettuce is placed on top. Had two slices of the taco pizza. Typically I have three or four, along with cheese bread, and used to have ice cream after that. Ugh! Yes, reduced portions is the way to go for me right now. Can work on better food selections along the way too.

Monday morning I woke up a little late, then scooped the snow from the driveway which took up the time spent to make breakfast. Stopped at McDonalds and got one egg McMuffin instead of the "meal" which adds 12oz of OJ and the hash brown patty. Reducing portions. They had a buy-one-get-one free deal so there's breakfast for tomorrow too.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Andy Gains Weight

Got on the scale this morning, 223. Gain of 3 pounds since Saturday. Ugh... gotta stick with reduced portions and stop dreaming of potato chips!

"Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin" is an article shared with my boss this morning. She's a bit of a masochist in my opinion and ran her first marathon two months ago, on an injured hip bone and after her Dr said "no". She flew to Texas for the run, complained it was poorly organized, very hot, not nearly enough water, and one person died during the race. She invited me to a boot camp training on Saturday morning at 7:00am about 25 miles from home. No thanks. My focus is to reduce portions, and mildly increase movement throughout the day. We are built to continue to move through out the day as oppossed to sitting at a desk then have a huge burst of physical exercise. There will be setbacks, as with any endeavor. Keeping my hopes up, and drive.

Tonight is a party with old friends, food will be served. Tend to have a great time at these gatherings, hang around and be one of the last to leave, and snack plenty during the evening. Going to hold it down to smaller portions. Realize that inhibitions creep up when with the old friends, the enablers. If it gets difficult I can leave after 60 - 90 minutes. Got places to go, people to see... books to read, and ukes to practice. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Another Good Day

Had a dream this morning about eating Ruffles potato chips and French Onion dip. WTF?!

Breakfast smoothie: Hand full of frozen berries (Sam's Club assortment), 1/3 cup Greek style plain yogurt, scoop of protein powder with whey, table spoon of wheat germ, 1/2 cup 1% milk, hand full of ice cubes, blended with the Ninja blender in the 16 oz attachment cup, and eat it right out of the cup.

Went home yesterday for lunch and started the crock pot, it had a roast, sliced potatoes and carrots the wife put in the refrigerator the night before. Showed restraint and only had one slice for dinner, along with about 1/2 of a potato and equivalent of one carrot.

Oh yea, and lunch was the left over chicken soup made from scratch on Sunday.